Taliban orders Mullahs in Jaghori district to prevent Women from roaming around without Mahram

Yesterday, on 25, June 2022 The Taliban’s ministry for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice issued a new edict urging local Mullahs (religious scholars & leaders) in the Jaghori district of Ghazni province to forbid women from roaming in the public area without Mahram.

Additionally, they warned that anyone who failed to abide by the order would face serious consequences.

Since coming to power, the Taliban have issued strict orders regarding Afghan women. Orders have prevented women from working, getting an education, and having political participation.

Human rights advocates both inside and outside Afghanistan have denounced the Taliban’s order and called it a misogynist act and a violation of human rights.

Women’s rights activist Leila Rahmani says: “Afghan people, intellectuals, and women’s rights activists should stand against the Taliban’s misogynistic orders. obeying such orders paralyzes half of the society’s population which is women. There are many women who are breadwinners of their families. If they are not allowed to leave their homes, their families will starve to death”.

university lecturer Hussian Rasoli says “The Taliban’s new orders about women are medieval. These orders show the Taliban’s misogynistic point of view. they want to imprison women inside their homes”.

