Widespread protests against the third meeting of Doha, and its boycott by women’s rights activists

The third Doha Meeting hosted by the UN is going to be held on Afghanistan for two days from 30th June – 1st July 2024. Likewise, two meetings had already been held on Afghanistan in Doha while ago; but some experts believe that the meetings had no obvious and tangible outcome.
According to Afghanistan’s political Affairs experts, the third meeting on Afghanistan in Doh, will be as the same as the previous ones with no expected outcome. Because the very important parties, including women, are not present in the meeting. And it is even said that the issue of women has been completely removed from the list of the agenda of the meeting. On the other hand, the meeting has confronted protests and reactions across the world.
Woman activists in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Paris, London, America, Europe and Australia have protested against the meeting and have boycotted it. Women such as Habiba Sarabi, Nabilah Musleh, and Zubaida Akbar boycotting the meeting, added that the issue of Afghanistan Women has not only been marginalized in the meeting, rather it has been completely removed from the agenda.
The protesting women in Islamabad have released their resolution saying “the Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban would be changed to headquarter of international terrorism with no delay as it seems that tens of terroristic groups have established religious schools and camps in the country that practices Military training and terroristic attacks at present.”
On the other hand, the Muqtadir Women’s Movement of Afghanistan, and Azadagan Movement in exile, called the Doha meeting as the whitewashing of the Taliban Group. Similarly, while ago the Shanbe Haye Arghanwani Movement, while boycotting the Doha meeting and supporting the widespread protests and women’s rights activists that takes place across the world, called the Taliban the biggest violators of women’s rights on the globe.
