Following the revealing of crimes of the Taliban committed against imprisoned women; recently, one of the protesting girls disclosed the sexual harassments and crimes of Taliban.
Zarmina Pariani, a women’s right activist girl, has expressed in a video shared in her Facebook page that the Taliban group looked at her naked body, while she was wearing only a bra, and they took a group photo with her.
The video was published when a number of Miss Pariani’s friends criticized her being without Hijab and had informed her father about the issue.
Zarmina Pariani, has added in the video “I am not a 13 or 14-year-old child, whose body is under the control of her male member of her family, father and brother”.
This protesting woman against the Taliban, called misogynist idea a morbid thought and she said “I myself is responsible for my word, body, clothes, hair, being a woman and my everything”.
This women’s rights activist has also asked her critics to listen to the voice of helplessness of women that hasn’t been listened yet, rather than criticizing her half-naked body. She added, The Taliban Group put women in jail by force of their gun, Jihad and their Islamic flag. She warned the public not to let the Taliban to detain women and girls and take off their clothes in their jails as was done with her.
Before this, the Taliban Group had detained a number of women and girls accusing them of lacking Hijab in big cities of Afghanistan, and it is still continuing.
Previously, the State Department of the USA had reported about rape and pregnancy of 16 detained women among 90 women in the Taliban’s jails in Jawzjan, Samangan and Faryab Provinces. Similarly, in another part of the report it is stated that 48 female prisoners had severe bleeding due to sexual assault and were transferred to hospitals in Samangan, Faryab and Badghis provinces. Also, a number of women had been forced to have abortion due to frequent sexual assault by the Taliban.
On 03 July, 2024, The Guardian and Rukhshana Media also published a video showing a group of armed men raping and torturing a woman in the Taliban’s prison. While the woman is being raped, it is told to her “You were raped by the Americans for years, and now it is our turn”. It is added in the report that the woman had been imprisoned due to carrying out activities against the Taliban.
According to the victim expressing, the video had been recorded by a mobile phone and was sent to the woman threating her not to disclose and protest against the Taliban again.
It is to mention that the number of women and girls that have been raped and have experienced sexual assault and torture by the Taliban is very high. Only a part of the sexual harassments has been published in the media, and a major part of them has remained hidden and unpublished.
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